Megan Prescott
This actress gave me the longest convo on Cameo.
August 29, 2023. 11:50 AM
Good morning, Megan. I like your Mandy page. You have excellent vocal range. Can you do any martial arts? I ask because if you do then that would make you the British equivalent to Agnes Aurellio, Kathy Long or Michiko Nishiwaki. Enjoy your week.
September 6. 2:45 PM
Hi Joseph, thanks! I actually don’t do any professional martial arts but I do love Brazilian Jujitsu and have done many classes in that! I’d love to continue doing those 🙂 are you a big martial arts fan? X
4:49 PM
I like martial arts movies and TV shows more than professional fighting matches. I’m not a fan of real-life fighting but I like it when characters fight because it’s like watching abstract dance choreography. The emphasis is on beauty than brutality.
September 7. 6:37 PM
Ah ok I see what you mean! I would love to do more tv and film work that involves professional stunts! Especially if they involved using wires and proper martial arts stunts! What are some of your favourite films/tv shows that involve stunts? X
September 8. 5:12 AM
My favourite TV show is Martial Law. The main people who worked on that are from Hong Kong, where my favourite stunt films are made. For wirework, I recommend the films of Ching Siu-Tung. The Wachowkis originally wanted him to work on The Matrix.
September 9. 11:22 AM
Oh thanks for the recommendation ill be sure to check that out! Have you ever watched ‘Sense 8’ by the Wachowskis? I thought it was incredibly under appreciated by the general public and it was so brilliant. I don’t know if they used a huge amount of stunts but there definitely were some😊 Was such a great premise for a show too!
11:33 AM
I like Sense8. 🙂 Part of the problem was that it came out in the same year as the other Wachowski production — Jupiter Ascending: 2015. Had it come out a bit earlier like after Cloud Atlas (which came out in 2012), it would have been more popular.
September 10. 6:28 PM
Oooh I didn’t know that! I’m glad I’ve found that out because it always baffled me how no one really seemed that fussed about it but I thought it was SO great! What are your thoughts on the Matrix films? I haven’t watched them for years but if I remember correctly there’s lots of stunts in them?
8:10 PM
The first Matrix was the best although it would have made sense for Neo to leave the subway so Trinity could fight Agent Smith. The sequels should have been one film. It’s like the Wachowskis wanted to do a Sci-Fi Lord of the Rings with long battles.
September 12. 1:23 PM
Oh interesting! Yeah I think the sequels were nowhere near as good as the first matrix! I actually have NEVER watched the Lord of the rings and I get teased mercilessly by my friends who are big LOTR fans! I play dungeons and dragons so now I’m thinking I might enjoy LOTR — what do you think? Do you play D&D?
1:37 PM
I’ve not seen LOTR either* but The Matrix Reloaded felt like an attempt to rival Twin Towers. I don’t play D&D, but my big brother used to. I watched the first D&D film and hated it!
* I also haven’t seen the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts films.
10:48 AM
Oh my god how funny I haven’t seen Harry Potters either! Actually I may have seen one — the first one maybe? But definitely haven’t seen more than one the whole way through! I think I have seen one of the fantastic beasts films because I liked the animals, but yeah Harry Potter and LOTR never really grabbed me! Is that the D&d film that came out recently? The trailer looked so naff so if it was that one it doesn’t surprise me that it wasn’t good! It’s like Hollywood trying to do something that is very special to a lot of people and completely ‘Hollywood-izing’ it!
11:22 AM
True. The first D&D film came out in 2000. It had Jeremy Irons, Thora Birch, and Marlon Wayans as the token goofy black sidekick; although the star was a pretty boy actor named Justin Whalin, who looks like Wil Wheaton and Jason Scott Lee combined.
September 18. 10:59 AM
Oh interesting ok maybe I’ll have to watch it just to see what it’s about!